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Antony Abbot in Egypt, 356

In the third century, many young men turned away from the corrupt and decadent society of the time, and went to live in deserts or mountains, in solitude, fasting and prayer. Antony of Egypt was an outstanding example of this movement, but he was not merely a recluse. He was a founder of monasticism, and wrote a rule for anchorites. Antony’s parents were Christians, and he grew up to be quiet, devout, and meditative. When his parents died, he and his younger sister were left to care for a sizable estate. Six months later, in church, he heard the reading about the rich young ruler whom Christ advised to sell all he had and give to the poor…

All Saints' Episcopal Church Tacoma - 1963 Photo

Father Jim’s Message

ately I’ve been digging through the church archives. They’re located in a file cabinet in a dark corner of the vesting room. In the cabinet we have records of what was then called the “Ladies’ Guild” that go back to 1892 when the church was founded. There are also Bishop’s Committee minutes that go back at least to the 1950s along with church registers and a variety of other things. Most churches have these records. There is an official church archive in Texas, but parish records rarely seem to go there. This frustrated me greatly when I was a practicing historian, so now I look around for things in the churches where I serve…

John of Damascus, Priest c. 760

John of Damascus was the son of a Christian tax collector for the Muslim Caliph of Damascus. At an early age, he succeeded his father in this office. In about 715, he entered the monastery of St. Sabas near Jerusalem. There he devoted himself to an ascetic life and to the study of the Fathers.

Father Jim’s Reflection, December

We’re heading into Advent which is a wonderful time. Advent is the first season of the church year. It begins with the fourth Sunday before Christmas, and it continues to the day before Christmas. It’s a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus, and our Scriptures will reflect that fact. It also anticipates Jesus’ return, a good thing for us to consider these days.

Winter Coats for Kids

With winter right around the corner, it’s time to ensure that the children most in need in our community have warm coats to get them through the season. Every year, All Saints’ launches a winter coat drive at the beginning of October. When you are out shopping over the next few weeks, please pick up a warm children’s size coat or two.

Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury, 1556

Thomas Cranmer was the principal figure in the Reformation of the English Church, and his clear, sonorous prose figured prominently in the first Book of Common Prayer of 1549 and for its first revision in 1552; much of it remains in the Book we Episcopalians still use today.

Father Jim’s Reflection

It is with sorrow that I note the passing of two women close to our church. Sarah Hockman-Pryor, long with her husband, Gary, was a long-time member. Sarah had been largely house-bound in the time I’ve served here, but in visits and phone calls, including time I spent with her in the hospital, I was impressed with her warmth and wisdom. Mina Garman, beloved wife of Jerry, visited frequently, shared her joyous spirit and delicious food on many occasions.