Christmas Stockings for Kids

The spirit of giving from the congregation at All Saints’

Every year, the congregation at All Saints’ launches a Christmas stocking drive for the children at Larchmont Elementary School. Parishioners purchase new toys for boys and girls and bring them to the parish, where they are organized and stuffed into large Christmas stockings.

Thanks to the generosity of our congregation, we had enough items to cover two large tables! Stuffed animals, games, toys…so many wonderful gifts to help bring a joyous Christmas to many children in need within our community. The stockings were stuffed to the seams, and delivered to the school to be distributed to the kids.

Thank you, All Saints’, for this gift of love! It will bring smiles and happiness into the lives of so many children this Christmas Season.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7